Dr. Nope
Get to know the full case, details and more
scroll downThe project
We launch the campaign under the leadership of the University
Hospital of Tübingen to specifically sensitize employees of the
university hospitals of Baden-Württemberg to topics in the
area of information security.
The Challenge
Four locations, over 45000 employees, dozens of professional
groups and one question: How can we collectively increase
awareness for information security in our clinics?
The Solution
We realise Dr. Nope – the iconic doctor in the style of the 70s who
explains how to handle information technology challenges of the
21st century and frames seven simple and memorable
rules for the staff to follow.
The Result
The campaign has already succeeded in attracting the attention of
around 45,000 employees to a large extent and in bringing about
changes in their behaviour.
The greatest proof of the campaign’s success: the award for the
German Prize for Online Communication 2023 (DPOK) in the
category “Internal & Change Communication”.