CommUnity For Europe bids on EU tender


CommUnity for Europe is the name of the Consortium which was formed from a core of CommUnity International members to respond to a big tender launched by the European Commission DGCOMM. In total 16 agencies and close to 800 people worked together that enjoyed human, creative, strategic, operational and technical synergies.

CommUnity for Europe aims at talking to national, regional and local audiences throughout the European Union.
Through creative storytelling we will inspire EU citizens wherever they live.

Our independent entity of owner-manages agencies is perfectly suited to embody creative communication campaigns in all Member States empowering the narrative of the EU. The 16 agencies which formed this Consortium are: Phrenos, Hartinger, Expansion, Husare, Novelus, Visibility, O’Connection, Live Content, Concept Maniax, Advertiva, 77 Agency, Kubis Interactive, Peanuts&Monkey, Tomorro’, Evista, Latte Creative.

Expected decision date for the 90 million EUR tender: September 2020