Grupo Casa José
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Niños en Fiesta
The project
Grupo Casa José provided us with a brief explaining the importance that “family” clients played in their restaurant, especially during the weekends. Friday through Sunday, a lot of families with their kids choose to come to Casa José to spend their day enjoying food and drinks. They noticed that unfortunately, the children would get really bored or create a fuss or commotion in the restaurant from the lack of entertainment. They thought that the kids, were a crucial target that was not tapped into and that could potentially help bring in more families to the Casa José restaurants.
The Challenge
The challenge for this project was that we had to create an entirely new concept for the restaurants focusing on the kids and how to keep them entertained while the “grownups” were busy enjoying their food and drinks.
The Solution
To come up with a solution, we did some research on restaurants, including fast-food chains that provided entertainment for their younger clients. Automatically, one major theme kept coming up. The mascot. This is where we decided to create a Mascot for Casa José that would appeal to the children and fit in with the theme of a Spanish restaurant. We then created an event using the Mascot as a way to entice people to come and enjoy the many activities that would be provided to children during the weekends. These events called “Niños en fiesta” were targeted for kids from the age of 4 to 12, where they would be able to come and enjoy creative and fun workshops, construction and board games, face painting, group games, storytelling, Spanish cooking workshops, a magician/clown as well as creating a special kids menu.
The Result
The launch of “Niños en fiesta” and the restaurant Mascot were a huge success. The Casa José restaurants became a “destination” restaurant for families looking to spend some quality time while having their children looked after and entertained. Having a Mascot around the restaurant also meant that a lot of children would be attracted to know more and play a major role in pulling in the parents to trying out the restaurant as “first-timers”. This meant that this project was able to succeed in both, retaining its clients that chose to come again, as well as also attract an entirely new clientele that came in through the influence of their children.