Influencing in having good life with a dog
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The Finnish Kennel Club wanted to strengthen its influential role as the leading voice of matters related to dogs in Finland. To support its aim the Kennel Club needed to refreshen its communication strategy. Brunnen started its work and built PR guidelines that give space for dialogue among different stateholders.
The Challenge
In Finland a dog is a very popular pet – there is a dog in every fourth household. Motives to have a dog are many and they are being changing during the recent years. This was the reason why The Finnish Kennel Club also needed to reflect its core purpose for the dog people.
“Why shall I be a member of the Kennel Club”?, is a question for some dog owners. “What do I get from the membership?”, are many people thinking.
The Finnish Kennel Club wanted to sharpen its identity by creating good dialogue on topics resonating among the dog owners. The Club understood that they needed to be more visibilly on the arenas where their members are: in social media and generally in all places were ordinary people spend their time.
The Solution
First Brunnen analyzed the publicity under the dog-related topics. The results helped us to understand what people who are interested in dogs are talking about, with whom they are talking and where are they talking. The core question for us was: how is The Finnish Kennel Club involved in these discussions?
Based on the analysis we then interviewed a great bundle of Kennel Club’s employees and stewards. We led a big workshop together with a client where we search for a purpose-driven core message. As a result Brunnen built new strategic guidelines for transparent and evoking PR.
Last but not least we defined the metrics to measure PR’s real power.
The Result
With the updated strategic guidelines and metrics communication in the changing environment is much more easier. As a proof for Brunnen’s good work we are continuing with the client by an employee ambassador program. This helps people inside the house to be better communicators in different arenas, like in social media and events.